The Water to Energy Miracle

The Water to Energy Miracle

The term ‘Path to Net -Zero’ is increasingly being used by countries, organizations and renewable energy champions as efforts are being put together to ensure zero carbon emissions by the year 2050. Governments worldwide who are signatories to the Paris Agreement are committing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in leaps and bounds aiming to achieve zero emissions in less than 30 years. With still use of the readily available fossil fuels, there will be need for an energy miracle to halt climate change and provide affordable clean energy to millions especially in developing countries. Thus, there needs to shift focus to renewable energy.

Kenya currently accounts for 90% of electricity in use from green sources among them geothermal, wind, solar and hydro-electric installations. This is in course to achieve the country’s target of 100% use of clean energy by the year 2030. During his inauguration speech on Tuesday 13th September, H.E. President Dr. William Ruto stated, “Africa has the opportunity to lead the world. We have immense potential for renewable energy. Reducing costs of renewal energy technologies make this the most viable energy source. Kenya is on a transition to clean energy that will support jobs, local economies and the sustainable industrialization. In Kenya, we will lead this endeavor by reaffirming our commitment to transition to 100% clean energy by 2030. We call on all African states to join us in this journey.”

KIFFWA has invested in two (2) mini-hydropower projects in different parts of the country to contribute to the national grid. On completion, the two projects will contribute to a total of 10.8 MW of power to the grid. These projects utilize community-developers model where the community and the developers have a shareholding stake and share revenues. The two projects will achieve SDGs 3,7, 8,9 and 13 through the following impact:

  • Provide clean and affordable energy
  • Increased household incomes through revenue sharing
  • Conservation of water towers thus climate mitigation
  • Reduce tens of thousands greenhouse gas emissions
  • Creation of about 100 direct and indirect jobs

Additionally, KIFFWA is investing in a waste to energy project seeking to utilize organic waste from the markets and domestic fecal sludge to produce 4MW of clean energy to the natural grid. The project will also yield 3,500 tons/ year of organic fertilizer and 6,600 cubic meters of treated water. We call upon interested partners to join KIFFWA is seeing that this project comes into fruition.

KIFFWA seeks to onboard more commercially viable projects with a nexus of water and energy. We further seek partnerships with players who are keen to convert water to energy so as help Kenya in its pathway to net-zero thus combating negative effects of climate change caused by fossil fuels.

For more information, kindly contact [email protected]


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