Our Initiatives & Their Impact
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Development of a Commercial Water Supply Scheme
The Mbooni Water Treatment and Distribution Project involves the development and construction of water infrastructure to abstract water from identified water source points.
The target market and products include:
- Treated potable water, for local retail markets;
- Treated bulk potable water, for schools, hospitals, hotels, etc;
- Treated bottled water;
- Irrigation water for small and medium-sized farms in the project area.
Expected Impact SDGs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 13 and 15:
- The project will be a source of reliable water supply for irrigation during the dry periods.
- The project is expected to reduce the prevalence of water-borne diseases through supply of potable water.
- Supply of water in Learning institutions is expected to increase school retention of girls.
- The proposed water storage infrastructure (water pan and sand da) is expected to increase the resilience of the community to the effects of climate change-climate Adaptation.
- Managing the water sources will also play a key role in ecological restoration.

Scaling Up of a Commercial Water Purification and Distribution Project
The project is a scale-up and expansion of an existing water purification and distribution business for urban and peri-urban communities in Nakuru County, Kenya. Through the support of KIFFWA, four additional counties in Kenya are being serviced i.e. Kajiado, Nairobi, Machakos and Kiambu.
The project concept involves the use of a commercial borehole to purify water, using advanced (reverse osmosis) technology and then distributing the water via bowsers to water kiosks where it is sold at an affordable price.

Expected Impact (SDGS 1, 3, 6 , and 8):
- Helping in the eradication of water-related illnesses, such as cholera, Typhoid, Hepatitis A, and reducing of fluorosis that affect children bones and teeth.
- Increase access to affordable and clean drinking water for an additional 119,000 households.
- Reducing the price of water by circa 70% compared to the price of water sold in local stores. This will help free up resources for other essential expenses.

Advanced Water Metering, Billing and Communication Infrastructure for the Water Sector
The Project is a multi-stage installation of an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) platform to manage close to 30,000 water abstraction and effluent discharge points across Kenya.

Expected Impact (SDGS 6, 8, 11 , 13 and 15):
- The project will lead to increased income for WRA through reduced monitoring costs, enhanced billing, and revenue collection.
- The project will lead to better countrywide resource management through the automation of the process of collecting water abstraction data, and issuance of abstraction permits.
- The project will generate employment opportunities through the creation of a ready-market for smart meter suppliers, installers, and software technicians.
- The project will enable the active conservation of river basins and catchment areas using regulatory tools.

Stages of Projects

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Expected additional safely managed water
Expected no. of people with improved sanitation services
Expected additional area under productive and sustainable agriculture
Expected additional renewable energy generated
Expected number of direct jobs supported