Kenya Innovative Finance Facility for Water (KIFFWA)
Developing Water Initiatives in Kenya
KIFFWA mobilizes new forms of finance for the Kenyan water sector. This is needed for two reasons. Firstly, the water challenges in Kenya are vast and secondly, there is a tremendous financing gap to address those challenges.


The Kenya Innovative Finance Facility for Water(KIFFWA) is a co-developer of water initiatives in Kenya.

Get To Know What We Do
KIFFWA mobilizes new forms of finance for the Kenyan water sector. This is needed for two reasons. Firstly, the water challenges in Kenya are vast and secondly, there is a tremendous financing gap to address those challenges.
Our services include:
- Early Stage Capital
- Technical Expertise
- Finance Expertise
- Legal Expertise
Expected additional safely managed water
Expected no. of people with improved sanitation services
Expected additional area under productive and sustainable agriculture
Expected additional renewable energy generated
Expected number of direct jobs supported
Who We Are
The Kenya Innovative Finance Facility for Water(KIFFWA) is a co-developer of water initiatives in Kenya.
Our Clients
KIFFWA supports Lead Developers who demonstrate a strong track record of project development and who have professional management and strong industry knowledge. KIFFWA works with clearly defined lead developers and does not work through intermediaries or brokers. KIFFWA typically finances a maximum of 50% of the development budget subject to a maximum of EUR 500,000.

How We Work
KIFFWA’s role is one of a co-developer: we support initiatives to reach financial close i.e. when all project and financing agreements have been signed and required conditions have been met.
News and Insights
February 28, 2024 |

Kenya Innovative Finance Facility for Water
October 13, 2023 |

Kenya Innovative Finance Facility for Water
May 17, 2023 |

Kenya Innovative Finance Facility for Water